BioCell Collagen® Clinical Evidence

Unpublished Study by Miami Research Associates

Sheldon, E. A randomized double blind clinical pilot trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of hydrolyzed collagen type II (BioCell Collagen® II®) in adults with osteoarthritis. 2003; Apr 25.

How does BioCell Collagen® II compare with placebo as a way to increase joint mobility in subjects with osteoarthritis?

One of the defining features of arthritis is a loss of joint mobility. BioCell Collagen® II is a
low-molecular- weight dietary supplement consisting of hydrolyzed chicken sternal cartilage extract that is similar in composition to human articular cartilage.Can it help?

Study Type:
Human clinical intervention trial

Study Design:
Subjects received either BioCell Collagen® II or placebo for 8 weeks. They were evaluated for 6 efficacy endpoints — perceived pain, stiffness, activities of daily living, total WOMAC score, quality of life, and quality of sleep — at base line and at weeks 4 and 8.

16 subjects with osteoarthritis of either the hands or knees, with associated joint mobility restriction

2 grams/day for 8 weeks

The BioCell Collagen® II group showed a significant improvement over time in all WOMAC (pain, stiffness, activities of daily life) and quality-of life scores, whereas no significant changes in efficacy outcome were seen in the placebo group.

According to the lead researcher, daily intake of BioCell Collagen® II led to “meaningful improvements that were significantly superior to the group receiving placebo supplements.” He added: “This preliminary study suggests that BioCell Collagen® II has a promise in the management of chronic joint symptoms.”

Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

Schauss AG, et al. Effect of the novel low molecular weight hydrolyzed chicken sternal cartilage extract, BioCell Collagen, on improving osteoarthritis-related symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. 2012 Apr 25;60(16):4096-101.


Can BioCell Collagen improve symptoms of osteoarthritis?


Degradation of the extracellular matrix (the non-cellular component of tissues) causes the loss of cartilage tissue in joints, which can lead to osteoarthritis. Can supplementing with collagen, which is a key component of the ECM, improve joint function and reduce joint pain?

Study Type:

Human clinical intervention trial

Study Design:

Placebo-controlled, double-blind. Patients were divided into two groups: one group was administered BioCell Collagen, the other received placebo. At baseline and on days 35 and 70, pain levels were assessed using the visual analog scale (VAS), and pain, stiffness and function were evaluated using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC).


2 grams daily for 70 days


80 patients with physician-verified evidence of progressive osteoarthritis in the hip or knee joint


The BioCell Collagen (BCC) group had a significant reduction in VAS pain on day 70 compared to the placebo group, and the BCC group’s WOMAC scores were significantly lower than the placebo group’s at both 35 and 70 days. Those taking BCC also experienced a significant improvement in physical activities compared to those taking placebo at both time points.


“BCC was well tolerated and found to be effective in managing OA-associated symptoms over the study period, thereby improving patient’s activities of daily living. BCC can be considered a potential complement to current OA therapies.”

Current Medical Research and Opinion

Bello, A., et al. Collagen hydrolysate for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other joint disorders: a review of the literature. 2006; (22):2221–2232.

Is collagen hydrolysate an effective treatment for osteoarthritis?
Numerous studies have been conducted on collagen hydrolysate. What is the sum total of the evidence supporting its use in the treatment of osteoarthritis?

Study Type:
Review paper

The authors note that, according to published research (4 open-label and 3 double-blind studies were identified and reviewed), orally administered collagen hydrolysate:

  • Is absorbed intestinally and accumulates in cartilage
  • Increases the synthesis of extracellular matrix molecules by chondrocytes (cartilage cells)
  • Provides improvements in some measures of pain and function in people with arthritic conditions

“A growing body of evidence provides a rationale for the use of collagen hydrolysate for subjects with OA.”

Mechanism of Action

BioCell Collagen® is composed of three key constituents: collagen peptides (60%), hyaluronic acid (10%), and chondroitin sulfate (30%). It is thought to exert its joint-supporting action in multiple ways. First, it may support the cartilage matrix by providing building blocks of structural proteins and glycosaminoglycans critical for the health of connective tissues. Second, preliminary research indicates it may directly stimulate cartilage cells to produce type II collagen and prostaglandins. And third, it may promote joint cushioning by replenishing hyaluronic acid, the primary lubricating agent in synovial fluid.

Clin Interv Aging

Schwartz SR, Park J. Ingestion of BioCell Collagen(®), a novel hydrolyzed chicken sternal cartilage extract; enhanced blood microcirculation and reduced facial aging signs. 2012;7:267-73.


Does BioCell Collagen diminish visible signs of natural and photoaging in the face?


The extracellular matrix (ECM) is comprised of collagen, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, and glycoproteins. It provides structure and support to the surrounding cells. Skin aging is associated with changes in molecular metabolism in the ECM of the dermis. Can BioCell Collagen, a novel cartilage extract composed of collagen type II peptides, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid, help reverse age-related changes in the ECM to counteract skin aging?

Study Type:

Human clinical intervention trial

Study Design:

Open-label pilot study. Participants supplemented with BioCell Collagen daily. At baseline and at the end of the study period, researchers evaluated skin dryness/scaling and global lines/wrinkles by visual/tactile score. They also measured levels of hemoglobin and collagen in the dermis.


1 gram per day for 12 weeks


26 healthy women displaying visible signs of facial aging


Supplementation with BioCell Collagen for 12 weeks caused a significant reduction of skin dryness/scaling and global lines/wrinkles and significantly increased hemoglobin.


“This study provides preliminary data suggesting that dietary supplementation with BCC elicits several physiological events which can be harnessed to counteract natural photoaging processes to reduce visible aging signs in the human face. A controlled study is necessary to verify these observations.”

Curr Dev Nutr.

Schauss A, et al. The effects of skin aging associated with the Use of BioCell Collagen® in Healthy Adult Females: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial. 2019 Jun; 3(Suppl 1):nzz031.P06-122-19.


Does BioCell Collagen improve the changes associated with skin aging?


A previous open-label pilot study suggested that BioCell Collagen counteracts natural photoaging processes to reduce visible aging signs in the face. Can the results be replicated in a controlled clinical trial?

Study Type:

Human clinical intervention trial

Study Design:

Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel group. In a random fashion, participants were assigned to receive either BioCell Collagen or placebo. At baseline and at 12 weeks, researchers measured transepidermal water loss, elasticity, hydration, collagen content, melanin content and hemoglobin level, and performed a photographic analysis. Expert visual grading for facial lines/wrinkles, crow’s feet lines/wrinkles, skin texture/smoothness, and skin tone was also performed.


500 mg twice daily for 12 weeks


128 female participants (113 completed)


Compared to placebo, BioCell Collagen significantly reduced facial lines and wrinkles and crow’s feet lines and wrinkles, increased skin elasticity and cutaneous collagen content, improved indicators associated with a more youthful skin appearance, and decreased skin dryness and erythema.


“Dietary supplementation of this chicken sternal cartilage extract supports the accumulation of types-I/III collagen in skin to promote increased elasticity and reduced skin wrinkling in women 39 to 59 years of age.”